The UnSunday Show
The UnSunday Show
The UnSunday Show asks honest questions about the origin and validity of institutional church rules, traditions, and practices. These relig…
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The UnSunday Show

The UnSunday Show

The UnSunday Show asks honest questions about the origin and validity of institutional church rules, traditions, and practices. These religious rules and practices lead us away from the simplicity of the gospel and into an exhausting performance-based experience that is designed to perpetuate itself by placing ever increasing demands on its people and are of no value in Christ. If you're exhausted from trying to keep all the religious rules that have been placed on you, listen in to these conversations as we rediscover the freedom we've been given, apart from religion and empty religious obligation.

Recent Episodes

March 23, 2025

Grace Alone: The Freedom of Bringing Nothing to the Table (105)

The gospel isn’t a group project. If grace is free, why do we try so hard to add to it? In this episode, I talk about how bringing nothing to the table isn’t a burden but is ultimate freedom. Grace apart from works is a death...
March 16, 2025

Sweating for Jesus? Why Sanctification Isn’t About Working Harder (104)

Holiness Isn’t a Hustle. Many believers feel trapped in a cycle of performance, thinking sanctification is about sweating for Jesus. Too often, we’re taught that sanctification, or holiness, is about working harder, doing mor...
March 9, 2025

Breaking the Pulpit Barrier: Freeing the Body of Christ (103)

" The moment the church of God shall despise the pulpit, God will despise her ." -Charles Spurgeon The pulpit is in the way. Pulpits have a long history of being an obstacle that is in the way of the Body of Christ functionin...
March 2, 2025

Why Can't I Read My Bible Anymore? (102)

"I don't want to read my Bible anymore. Is there something wrong with me? I need to fix this !" This is a common theme that happens when we leave the institutional box church. Many times, any desire to read the Bible disappea...
Feb. 23, 2025

The Lie of a Deceitful and Desperately Wicked Heart (101)

Let's talk about Jeremiah 17:9 and his statement that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Is it true? Are our hearts deceitful and wicked and not to be trusted or is there more to that description ...
Feb. 9, 2025

Tradition Gave Us The Word Pastor (100)

Welcome to episode 100 of The UnSunday Show! I was so focused in this episode on what I wanted to say that I forgot to mention this is episode 100. Triple digits! Yay!!! This is the final episode on the subject of pastors, el...
Feb. 2, 2025

Are Elders Pastors? Yes and No (99)

This episode is a continuation of last week's as we turn our attention to the topic of elders in the body of Christ. Elders, overseers, shepherds, bishops, and pastors. How are these terms used in the New Covenant scriptures ...
Jan. 25, 2025

Do Pastors Have a Special Calling? (98)

Do institutional church pastors have a special calling to be pastors? Let's take an honest look at this in light of the New Testament scriptures. Other Places You’ll Find Me The Grace Cafe Podcast: https://www.gracecafepodcas...

About the Host

Mike Adams Profile Photo

Mike Adams

Podcaster, videographer, and founder of The UnSunday Show podcast.

I am a former pastor who left institutional religion in 2009 for a clearer view of Jesus, apart from religious obligations.



"I LOVED the Tyndale series. It was so good I immediately bought the book. This is another fantastic Grace podcast. I am so thankful for podcasts like this."

StefMills | May 14, 2022

5 Words

"Hey Mike, loved your series on the five words that got William Tyndale killed! Very well done, encouraging and a unique approach to the biography. Thank you for putting it together. Your friend and b…"

Poshible | March 16, 2022

Helpful and thought provoking

"This podcast digs into scripture to examine our beliefs about “church”. I find the questions asked insightful, and the scripture given to support the answers offered accurately applied and helpful. …"

Engravertom | May 19, 2021

Perfect Find For my Spiritual Questions

"As a child raised Sunday School and every bible study I have come to have am any questions in my adulthood. I am very grateful to have found this podcast to help me flourish and research deeper into …"

Cynthia KE | Dec. 27, 2019

Great podcast

"I love how the host and his guests dissect traditions in the church to see whether traditions (and theological stances like tithing) are biblical, cultural or simply handed down because it’s traditio…"

Steve in China | Aug. 5, 2019

"Thanks Mike as per norm you knocked out the park all these 'traditions' that have had such an adverse effect on me and countless others I'm sure...thank God for His Amazing Grace ❤✝️❤😀"

DoDo | June 6, 2022

Amazing, relevant content

"This content is so needed in the Church today."

Gggghhhryyyffchgj | Sept. 7, 2022

Appreciate your honesty Susan

"While not a pastors wife I have come across many of those same issues. To have someone literally speak out loud the same thoughts I have wrestled with is so... refreshing, so honest. It's a blessing…"

Just a mom in NC | Sept. 12, 2022

Finally Blessed!

"Mike/Susan, I just really want you two to know, what a blessing this episode was, 5 regrets, because you two spoke about things that I have brought up to those “in charge” and I was an outcast becaus…"

Scott | Sept. 12, 2022

UnSunday Show

"I’m just getting into the UnSunday Show, and I can’t say I’ve listened to every episode, but Mike is awesome. I believe God has been putting certain people in my life to display the simplicity of the…"

Matt | Oct. 19, 2022


"I love all of the podcasts. They are freedom producing as they tell the truth about the simple Gospel of grace."

Lisa Kraft | Oct. 22, 2022

I’m so thankful for you all

"Excellent. I look forward to all Matt’s and the unsunday show podcasts. You have all helped me so much. ❤️Merrie Dyszelski"

Merrie Dyszelski | July 7, 2023

Thank you

"This Podcast is very importand for the Body of christ and i hope you will write a book about this Message to the church. best regards Michael from germany"

Michael Rausch | March 17, 2025


"I have learned so much from this podcast! I am being set free from traditions and religion that have been holding me back. Thank you so much Mike, we appreciate you. Keep up the good work of sharing…"

LAST Ministry | July 21, 2023

Be Set Free

"This is a breath of fresh air that’s so needed in the Church today. Claim the freedom that’s yours in the Spirit of Christ!"

Butterfly | Oct. 22, 2023

Grace and law

"I love all your teachings!! Please never stop!!"

kim Manbeck | May 8, 2024

Dying Daily and Carrying Crosses

"Awesome and an eye-opener ... true freedom from the true message of the gospel ... Thanks Mike"

Michael Beduya | Oct. 3, 2024

The unsunday sshow

"Love it"

Markis | Nov. 12, 2024

Essential and transformative!

"This podcast answers with ringing clarity the falacy of covenant theology. It offers a cup of cold water to those of us parched and worn out from striving under rigid spiritual demands."

Egshep | Dec. 9, 2024

The hard questions ...

"So good to hear someone daring to ask ... and answer ... the hard questions. Absolutely awesome podcast!"

Elaine Rambo | Dec. 12, 2024

Mike is Back;)

"We love the podcast. We Love you Mike❤️ Thank you for putting out truth Bombs!!! Please keep talking about Pastors and Deacons because many people don’t realize that it’s not a title and never in a H…"

Luke | Jan. 31, 2025

thank you

"Very helpful and enlightening. Much appreciated. Thank you for helping people see they can leave the religious zealot rules behind but still hold onto belief"

Graves | Feb. 24, 2025