The UnSunday Show

The UnSunday Show

The UnSunday Show asks honest questions about the origin and validity of institutional church rules, traditions, and practices. These religious rules and practices lead us away from the simplicity of the gospel and into an exhausting performance-based experience that is designed to perpetuate itself by placing ever increasing demands on its people and are of no value in Christ. If you're exhausted from trying to keep all the religious rules that have been placed on you, listen in to these conversations as we rediscover the freedom we've been given, apart from religion and empty religious obligation.

Recent Episodes

May 23, 2024

Mike's Health Update (96)

I recorded this conversation with my wife on The Grace Cafe podcast but am posting it here as well. It's a short health update from yours truly. Push play and give it a listen and thank you for following my podcasts! I was r…
April 20, 2024

Declaration of Conformity (095)

I was installing a couple of lights in my garage and when I opened one of the boxes, a paper fell out with the heading at the top that read: FCC's Supplier's Declaration of Conformity So naturally, my mind went to formal chu…
March 3, 2024

The Debilitating Delusion of Institutional Religion, With Trent Antle (94)

I asked Trent Antle to join me on this episode of the UnSunday Show because I wanted to hear more his story and I wanted others to have that same opportunity. After 20 years as a pastor in the institutional church setting, T…
Feb. 14, 2024

Why Is The Church So Captivated by the Law and the 10 Commandments? (93)

Why is the modern church so captivated by the 10 Commandments when the New Covenant scriptures tell us plainly that the Law has been fulfilled and abolished? One reason is the theological systems we subscribe to that have th…
Jan. 18, 2024

Old Covenant Imperatives Don't Belong in the New Covenant (92)

This episode is the audio I pulled from a video I just did. I came across a post in one of my social media feeds where a church had posted Joshua 1:8 as a memory verse for its people to memorize this week. The passage reads,…
Dec. 31, 2023

The False Doctrine of Top-Down Authority and Honorific Titles (91)

Welcome to episode 91 of The UnSunday Show. In this episode I take a hard look at top-down authority and the use of honorific titles in the body of Christ. These things are not neutral and in fact, they do harm to the body o…
Dec. 11, 2023

Welcome to the Real World (90)

In this episode of the UnSunday Show, I ramble on about some important things that have been on my mind recently concerning institutional church and its inability to reflect the heart of Jesus and his kingdom in the world. O…
Oct. 20, 2023

My Interview on The Grace At Last Podcast (89)

This is a short announcement to let you know I was interviewed on the Grace at Last podcast and that episode is out! I had a great conversation there with Corinne Kinstler, host of the Grace at Last podcast as we talked abou…

About the Host

Mike Adams Profile Photo

Mike Adams

Podcaster, videographer, and founder of The UnSunday Show podcast.

I am a former pastor who left institutional religion in 2009 for a clearer view of Jesus, apart from religious obligations.