08. Our Journey Out Of The Institutional Church
Welcome to episode 8 of The UnSunday Show. My wife joins me in this episode from our old Ekklesia Podcast as we talk about our journey out of the institutional church and the events and circumstances surrounding it. We both hit a wall of performance about 10 years ago within the institutional church environment that resulted in a crash and burn for each of us from performance-based Christianity. We tried to stay within other modern church settings for a few years but became increasingly uncomfortable in that setting as time went on and our eyes were opened wider to a different reality, increasing our inability to stay there. We finally left that environment about 4 years ago and have discovered a more genuine and authentic experience of ekklesia outside those walls.
If you find yourself on a similar journey of leaving the modern church setting, we hope you find encouragement in this episode.
Other Places You’ll Find Me
The Grace Cafe Podcast: https://www.gracecafepodcast.com
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@unsunday.mike
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/grace.podcasts/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/TheUnSundayShow
Music: Podcast Corporate, JD-Sound
Licensed for use via Audio Jungle and
Envato Pty, Ltd.
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