44. Relaunch of the UnSunday Show
I'm checking in with you on this episode to let you know I'm still here and that the UnSunday Show is going to get a facelift soon. These last few months have kept me busy with things like launching a new business, developing a new podcast editor's course, and life in general. But all the while, I've had some ideas floating around in my brain for retooling the UnSunday Show ever so slightly. So look for that in a couple of weeks.
I recorded this episode on the front porch of our friend's cabin in the tall pines of Arizona, using the memo app on my phone. I wasn't sure how it would turn out but it's not bad. I was able to edit out most of the wind the annoying raven that wanted in on the action. We'll talk again soon.
Other Places You’ll Find Me
The Grace Cafe Podcast: https://www.gracecafepodcast.com
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@unsunday.mike
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/grace.podcasts/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/TheUnSundayShow
Music: Podcast Corporate, JD-Sound
Licensed for use via Audio Jungle and
Envato Pty, Ltd.
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