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Thank you
This Podcast is very importand for the Body of christ and i hope you will write a book about this Message to the church. best regards Michael from germany

thank you
Very helpful and enlightening. Much appreciated. Thank you for helping people see they can leave the religious zealot rules behind but still hold onto belief

Mike is Back;)
We love the podcast. We Love you Mike❤️ Thank you for putting out truth Bombs!!! Please keep talking about Pastors and Deacons because many people don’t realize that it’s not a title and never in a Hierarchical system, it is always as a shepherd as one who serves the people until they all reach maturity! Thank you soooo much for your Service!!!

Once saved always saved
Beautifully taught thank you

The hard questions ...
So good to hear someone daring to ask ... and answer ... the hard questions. Absolutely awesome podcast!

Essential and transformative!
This podcast answers with ringing clarity the falacy of covenant theology. It offers a cup of cold water to those of us parched and worn out from striving under rigid spiritual demands.

Dying Daily and Carrying Crosses
Awesome and an eye-opener ... true freedom from the true message of the gospel ... Thanks Mike

Grace and law
I love all your teachings!! Please never stop!!

My deep study of scriptures...Wow!
The interview with Trent Antle makes transparent some of the issues with the manmade organizations. Trent's awareness of the difference between grace and the law happened to me as well! If you want a deep dive into the Old Testament? Please consider Mauro Biglino's current book research on some very important key words. Super charged my journey!

The Grace Gamut
Great interview. So interesting hearing "behind the scenes" perspective and confirming church is not Jesus.

So easy to understand when it’s laid out like this!
So easy to understand when it’s laid out like this!

Top down authority
Very well explained and I appreciated listening to this . Thank you !

Be Set Free
This is a breath of fresh air that’s so needed in the Church today. Claim the freedom that’s yours in the Spirit of Christ!

Thank you!
Your teaching is so clear, to the point, and IMHO "the truth" ! The Gospel is partly about "My yoke is easy, my burden is light" and too many people -- including me in my early Christian upbringing -- think it is another job at which they potentially fail. Please keep teaching us.

Amazing humble teachings!
We've learned so much from Mike. Thanks for bringing truths to us.

Thank you
I appreciate your research and explanation skills. And I absolutely love the interactions with you and your wife. So glad you brought back the Grace Cafe podcast. I and relate to so much of your wife’s journey. My husband and I would love tohave dinner with you both.

Excellent breakdown, spot-on.

All of Mikes Podcasts
Thanks Mike for all your Podcasts. There are lots of us out here that have left that Institutional Church setting and have similar journeys. ;-)

I have learned so much from this podcast! I am being set free from traditions and religion that have been holding me back. Thank you so much Mike, we appreciate you. Keep up the good work of sharing the good news of the gospel.

This man truly understand God’s gracious dealings with his elect. Does he ad here to Eternal Vital Union between Christ and his elect?

I’m so thankful for you all
Excellent. I look forward to all Matt’s and the unsunday show podcasts. You have all helped me so much. ❤️Merrie Dyszelski

Thank you for sharing grace with me
It was so wonderful to hear the message and furthering my life into a more free, loving and forgiving time. Much needed and appreciated the talking between the two of you. Thank you for sharing with me.

Morning coffee:pastors and elders
Interesting, led me on a study of pastor from Eph 4:11. Acts 20:28 and 1Peter 5:1-2 show that elders should function as pastors. Pastor means shepherd. These passages direct elders to shepherd the flock which you have also been made overseers. Overseer is also translated as bishop. Paul directed that elders to be established in all the churches. They were needed as Jesus said in John 21:15-17. They also needed to be able to teach 1Tim 3:2. We know this has all been abused through the years but it doesn’t negate that they are still needed in the body. Never just one, but more than one. So really, the word pastor or shepherd is spoken of many times in the New Testament, just not using that exact word, but elder or overseer. Would love a response from you. Tried to comment but wouldn’t let me.

Excellent Job- Keep It Up!
I love your podcast, Mike. Keep up the good work!

The podcast was so great. Along with all of your other podcasts. Thank you Jesus for truth and freedom. The New Covenant set us free. Free from the law of sin and death. 🙌🙌🙌 I finally feel free. 🙌🙌🙌 Free indeed. Hallelujah I am thankful for you and for Matt McMillan and Andrew Farley. Are there more of you? Where can I go online to listen to a New Covenant message? Be blessed Warmest regards Merrie J DYSZELSKI My husband retired from being a pastor 12 years ago. Would love to talk with you and your wife. 💕

Deeply appreciated
I’m thankful for conversations like these. Thanks, Mike.

I love it bro. Please keep putting it out there.
I love it bro. Please keep putting it out there.