
Sept. 13, 2021

57. Institutional Church Pastors and Their New Testament Counterparts

I received a note from David, one of the listeners to this podcast, who asked for my take on Timothy as a pastor and how the function of modern church pastors differs from the function of their New Testament counterparts. I f...

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Sept. 6, 2021

56. Church and Ekklesia: One of These Is Not Like The Other

Let's talk about institutional church and the ekklesia because one of these is not like the other. Did you know Jesus never used the word church? And yet the word church is all over our New Testaments. How did it get there an...

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Aug. 25, 2021

55. The Obedience of Faith: Why You Measure Up Regardless of Your Per…

Let's talk about obedience. Doesn't that sound fun? I've found it to be true that in almost every institutional church setting, the topic of Christian obedience in one form or another, dominates the landscape. It's peppered t...

Listen to the Episode
July 25, 2021

54. Religion's Priority of the Pulpit - Part 2

Let's continue talking about pulpits and institutional religion's obsession with the pulpit and how it's been elevated to such a place of prominence in institutional Christianity. Charles Spurgeon said this concerning pulpits...

Listen to the Episode
July 18, 2021

53. Religion's Priority of the Pulpit - Part 1

This is part one of two on the subject of pulpits and institutional religion's requirement of keeping the pulpit at the center of its Sunday events. I have a lot to say about this but my laptop battery ran down as I was recor...

Listen to the Episode
July 11, 2021

52. The Pitfalls of Professional Christianity

Let's talk about some of the pitfalls of professionalizing Christianity and relegating our time together to the professionals we've hired in our institutions and relying on them to do what all of us should be doing. The body ...

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July 4, 2021

51. Agenda-Driven Groups

Let's talk about how institutional religion often uses the small group setting as another way to promote itself by making the group agenda-driven and insisting that the agenda remains at the heart of the group. Whether it's t...

Listen to the Episode
June 27, 2021

50. Spiritual Disciplines: Flexing For God

Let's talk about spiritual disciplines. Spiritual disciplines are a group of activities that vary from group to group or church to church, that we're told we need to be doing to ensure spiritual maturity. It's an activity lis...

Listen to the Episode
June 20, 2021

49. Whose Faith Is It?

Let's talk about faith. In the letter to the Hebrews we're told that without faith it's impossible to please [God]. That sounds a little daunting. Does that mean I'm responsible to fabricate a certain amount of faith every da...

Listen to the Episode
June 7, 2021

48. Institutional Religion's Shady Past

Let's take a few minutes to talk about institutional religion's shady past. This is in response to a comment someone left back in episode 46 (Who Has Bewitched You?) that deserves some attention. The comment was actually in t...

Listen to the Episode
May 29, 2021

47. Have We Forsaken The Assembling of Ourselves Together? A Second G…

Let's talk about Hebrews 10:25. I don't know about you but in my experience, this verse has been used over and over again as a proof text to convince me that leaving institutional religion was more than just a bad idea. Leavi...

Listen to the Episode
May 23, 2021

46. Relaunch, Pt. 2: Who Has Bewitched You?

In Galatians 3:1 Paul asked the Galatian believers, "Who has bewitched you?" This bewitching was a result of the Galatian's mixing of New Covenant grace with Old Covenant law. Or as Paul put it, "Having begun in the Spirit, a...

Listen to the Episode
May 16, 2021

45. Relaunch, Pt 1: Religious Obligation Isn't Based on Faith

This is part one of a two-part relaunch of the show. In this episode I talk about religion's failure to deliver and how our systems of religion diminish who we are in Jesus. Add to that, a misunderstanding of how the Old Cove...

Listen to the Episode
April 30, 2021

44. Relaunch of the UnSunday Show

I'm checking in with you on this episode to let you know I'm still here and that the UnSunday Show is going to get a facelift soon. These last few months have kept me busy with things like launching a new business, developing...

Listen to the Episode
Oct. 17, 2020

43. Morning Coffee #4: Is the System of Church a Help or a Hindrance?

In this episode, I explore the question, Is the system of institutional church a help or a hindrance to the body of Christ and the exercising of spiritual gifts? This episode is also available in video format on the UnSunday ...

Listen to the Episode
Oct. 11, 2020

42. Morning Coffee #3: Did Jesus Say Church is Indestructible?

Welcome to another edition of Morning Coffee on The UnSunday Show. Today, let's talk about some important distinctions between the system we call church and Christ's ekklesia . Jesus never said the system we call church would...

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 24, 2020

41. Morning Coffee #2: What Is A Pastor?

Welcome to our second Morning Coffee together. Let's start a discussion about pastors and ask the question, what is a pastor? This is going to ultimately open up a plethora of related subjects on the topic which can serve as ...

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 21, 2020

40. Morning Coffee #1: Is The Body of Christ an Institution?

This episode marks the beginning of what I'm calling Morning Coffee . Morning Coffee is an informal conversation with yours truly over coffee about different subjects pertinent to The UnSunday Show. In addition to the normal ...

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 23, 2020

39. Is Church Discipline a New Covenant Practice? (Part 2)

This episode is a continuation of the topic of church discipline that I started in the last episode. I continue my look at Matthew 18:15-20, which is used as a proof text by church leaders for the practice of modern church di...

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 16, 2020

38. Is Church Discipline a New Covenant Practice?

The topic of what we call church discipline has been on my mind the last couple of years. I've tried writing down my thoughts about it but writing just isn't my thing any more. At least not right now. It's easier to talk abou...

Listen to the Episode
May 28, 2020

37. Did God Abandon Jesus at the Cross?

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" These words of Jesus on the cross have led many to the conclusion that God left Jesus while he was dying on the cross. That because Jesus had become sin for us, the Father turned aw...

Listen to the Episode
May 19, 2020

36. Is There a Tithe in the New Covenant?

Let's tease out the idea of the tithe in the New Covenant. Does God require a tithe? Am I in disobedience if I'm not tithing? We're quick to take isolated passages out of context to attempt impose a tithe on people but under ...

Listen to the Episode
March 29, 2020

35. What The Law Couldn't Do, God Did

Let's talk about the Good Samaritan. In response to Jesus' reminder that he was obligated to love God with all his being and to love his neighbor as himself, a lawyer, in an attempt to justify himself, asked Jesus who his nei...

Listen to the Episode
March 22, 2020

34. Jesus is Better

Welcome to episode 34 of The UnSunday Show with Mike & Mac. This episode is a continuation in many ways of last week's episode. We recorded this one immediately after last week's with the intention of making it its own episod...

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