Welcome to episode 9 of The UnSunday Show. Let's talk about 1 John 1:9 and the confession of sins. This passage says, " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unright...
Welcome to episode 8 of The UnSunday Show. My wife joins me in this episode from our old Ekklesia Podcast as we talk about our journey out of the institutional church and the events and circumstances surrounding it. We both h...
Welcome to episode 7 of the UnSunday Show. "Preach the word" were Paul's words to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2. This short phrase presents two concepts that I talk about in this episode by asking the questions, what is preaching ...
Welcome to episode 6 of the UnSunday Show! This is a bonus episode, published outside of my normal Thursday posts. If you like what's going on here, please share it with a friend. In this episode, I talk about formal church m...
Welcome to episode 5 of the UnSunday Show. " Wherever the pulpit is going, that's where the church is going ." That statement appeared in my Twitter feed not long ago. Unfortunately, it's true. In our modern-day top-down hier...
Welcome to episode 4 of The UnSunday Show. Let's talk about leaders and leadership. I believe we read our 21st century model of institutional Christianity back into Scripture when we talk about leaders and leadership. I belie...
Welcome to episode 3 of the new UnSunday Show! This episode is an episode from my old Ekklesia Podcast that I brought over to share with you. We hear it all the time and it's used in so many ways that we don't think to questi...
Welcome to episode 2 of this newly launched UnSunday Show! In this episode, I begin taking a look at pastors. What does the New Testament say about pastors? What is an elder? What is a bishop? What is an overseer? The New Tes...
Welcome to episode 1 of The UnSunday Show with Mike Adams. This episode is an introduction to The UnSunday Show and an introduction of yours truly. I present some topics to you in this first episode that we will return to ove...