Welcome to episode 33 of The UnSunday Show. Why are there so many burdensome rules in organized Christian religion when Jesus promised rest and relief from those same heavy burdens? When we read the Bible as though all of it ...
Welcome to episode 32 of The UnSunday Show. Let's talk about the clutter that gets in between us and Jesus that ends up giving us a smaller version of Jesus. Institutional religion works hard at convincing us that Jesus alone...
Welcome to episode 31 of The UnSunday Show. Mike received an invitation in the mail to spend a weekend listening to someone do expository preaching. Needless to say, this set off a few triggers in light of Mike's background. ...
The wisdom of man and the wisdom of God, putting our confidence in people, organizations, and institutions instead of in God, and remembering what is already ours in Jesus, apart from religion or knowledge are a few of the to...
Welcome to episode 29 of The UnSunday Show. Today's episode is a relaunch of sorts for The UnSunday Show. It's the debut of my friend Greg McInturff as co-host of the show. Yay! Mac and I will be hosting the show together for...
Welcome to episode 28 of The UnSunday Show. At its core, The UnSunday Show is a podcast about the system we call church. To a very large extent, this system has come to us via church history, religious tradition, and theologi...
Welcome to episode 27 of The UnSunday Show podcast. Way back in episode 9 we talked about 1 John 1:9 and what John meant when he said if we confess our sins [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us ...
Welcome to episode 26 of The UnSunday Show. Today's episode is a look at William Tyndale and his authoring of the New Testament in the English language. He wanted the people of his day to have a New Testament in their own lan...
Welcome to episode 25 of the UnSunday Show. Let's talk about your options when living in a Christian sacral society where conformity to the church's rules is required on the threat of punishment and death for non-compliance. ...
Welcome to episode 24 of The UnSunday Show. Since I've been absent for a while, I thought it would be a good idea to have a short refresher on some of the topics I've talked about in the past before moving on. In this episode...
Welcome to episode 23 of The UnSunday Show. In this episode, I turn our conversation to how church became church by introducing Constantinianism and how through the Roman Emperor Constantine and his impact on Christianity as ...
Welcome to episode 22 of The UnSunday Show. This episode is a short return to the topic of how we view church informs our view of other things. In this case, the gospel. I wanted to mention a couple of things that I didn't ge...
Welcome to The UnSunday Show. We turn 21 today with this, our 21st episode! That means were legal in all 50 States and around the globe. Partay! As most of you know, I co-host another podcast called The Grace Cafe Podcast wit...
Welcome to episode 20 of the UnSunday Show. This episode is a continuation of my conversation with Greg McInturff from the previous episode as we continue our dialog regarding ways our view of church informs our view of what ...
Welcome to episode 19 of the UnSunday Show. My friend Greg McInturff joins me in these next two episodes as we talk about how our view of church informs and/or mis-informs our view of God. Now that I'm a Christian, is God rea...
Welcome to episode 18 of The UnSunday Show. This episode is a conversation I had earlier today with my friend, Bonnie Petroschuk about her recent journey out of the institutional church and into Ekklesia. In her own words, Bo...
Welcome to episode 17 of The UnSunday Show. I've listened to two different podcasts over the last couple of weeks that asked the question, "Can fallen pastors be restored?" One was from a former mega-church pastor who had an ...
Welcome to episode 16 of The UnSunday Show! I'm taking a short break in this episode from my interaction with Jon Zen's book because I'm recovering from pneumonia and I don't have much of a voice right now. So instead, I'm br...
Welcome to episode 15 of The UnSunday Show. In this episode I continue my interaction with Jon Zens' book, A Church Building Every 1/2 Mile: What Makes American Christianity Tick? as I look closer at the top-down authority st...
Welcome to episode 14 of the UnSunday Show! In this episode, I continue my interaction with Jon Zens' book entitled, A Church Building Every 1/2 Mile: What Makes American Christianity Tick? In Section 5 of the book, which is ...
Welcome to episode 13 of The UnSunday Show . I finally bought a book that I first saw in 2008. It's called A Church Building Every 1/2 Mile by Jon Zens. It's subtitled, What Makes American Christianity Tick? I think the title...
Welcome to episode 12 of the UnSunday Show! I caught two of my friends at a weak moment and they both agreed to come on the show and talk with me about their individual journeys out of the institutional church. My conversatio...
Welcome to episode 11 of The UnSunday Show. Let's talk about community and accountability. Most of us think community and accountability are two sides of the same coin, or that one (accountability) is necessary for the other ...
Welcome to episode 10 of The UnSunday Show. We've reached double-digits! In this episode I talk about two phrases in scripture that religion has successfully convinced us are spiritual disciplines: dying daily and bearing our...